Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Military Briefing Book Press Release

New Military Site Launches

(Sacramento, CA) A new military website (militarybriefingbook.com) launched Monday, which provides a fresh resource for objective United States military-related information.

Creator and founder, John Ubaldi, a U.S. Marine of 25 years with recent tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, was frustrated over the difficulty of finding military information without the sharp, partisan twist; whether from the left or the right. He decided to create his own site: militarybriefingbook.com

“There’s a lack of knowledge regarding impartial U.S. military issues,” said Ubaldi, “It’s frustrating to sift through hoards of information and websites to get objective information about our military.”

He adds, “Militarybriefingbook.com simply presents all sides of a military issue thus allowing the reader to make an educated opinion.”

Military Briefing Book also provides professional consulting services to organizations and companies regarding the military. The success of this company is to be the first research consulting service that gives in-depth knowledge of the armed forces to the American public.

Ubaldi concludes, “The advent of the Internet has changed the way Americans get their news. The percentage of Americans who have any connection to the military has been reduced considerably over the years. “Military Briefing Book provides an objective straight forward look on military issues.”
For more information about Military Briefing Book, you may contact
John Ubaldi at 916-488-1500 or email at john@militarybriefingbook.com

Gates readies big cuts in weapons

www.bostonglobe.com-March 17, 2009
As the Bush administration was drawing to a close, Robert M. Gates, whose two years as defense secretary had been devoted to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, felt compelled to warn his successor of a crisis closer to home.

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to Military Briefing Book (MBB) which provides an objective, straightforward look on military issues. MBB is an established Internet based research/consulting site that offers detailed information on the U.S. military.
MBB will present all sides of the issue thus allowing the reader to make an educated opinion on military policy.
This site is not affiliated or endorsed by any branch of the Armed Services or the Department of Defense.